Jyoti's Articles

Hello! Here you can read some of my published articles. Hope they help to bring a change in your life. Keep reading!

26 July 2004


21 July 2004


Recently one of my friends told me, “It doesn’t matter whether you pray to God or not, being a good person is more important”.

Definitely being a good person is important. God does not need man’s prayer. God is free of all needs. Prayers are necessary means of helping us in being good human beings. The benefits that we derive from prayer are immeasurable and the blessings beyond imagination.

In ‘Contemplation Before Sleep’, Osho explains what real prayer is, “ Prayer does not mean saying something to God, asking for something. Prayer means listening to God. If you have to say something it can only be a Thank You. A simple yes is enough. But organized religions all over the world have been teaching people unnecessary prayers. And people are repeating those prayers, parrot like. They have lost all meaning, they have become pure ritual and they are only formal.

You have to learn the true prayer. It consists of silence, it consists of deep listening. God wants to convey something to you. He is searching for you but never finds you because you are always so busy.

Be silent, more and more unoccupied, more and more available and you will soon start hearing the still, small voice within. God does not speak from outside, he speaks from your innermost core, he is already there. And to be connected with your innermost core is true prayer. The moment you are connected it is so blissful, that you can only bow down in deep gratitude.” The most important function of prayer is to enable us to focus more clearly on the blessings we already have and this will support us during misery, to acknowledge the presence of God in all places, at all times.

Prayer means diving deep within yourself. Polybius (208 – 126 B.C.) said, “There is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man.” God speaks and directs through our conscience. This is where real life happens. This is where real battle is fought. By constant prayer, by openness to the movement of god in our lives, we can lift ourselves out of the pit of materialism. While praying we may judge and determine if our actions are correct, whether they are appropriate before the Lord who has granted us life and who is gracious to our every moment. This will make us conscious of our misdeeds and give us a chance to correct ourselves.

God is the source of goodness. Present your good efforts before God and you will see what help he will give you to accomplish your virtuous deeds. Just as shadow follow the body, same way wrong temptations follow good deeds. Sri Ramakrishna said, “ Some spiritual exercise is needed. As one progresses in it one gets joy, by degrees. If there be a jar full of treasures buried deep in the earth, and if anyone wants it, he must take the trouble of digging on. The brow sweats, and it is only when after much excavation the spade strikes against the jar and produces the metallic sound, that one gets delighted. The clearer the sound, the more is his delight. So go on calling upon the Lord, think on him, he himself will arrange everything. “ God helps those who are rising on the ladder of goodness and rewards for their diligence and patience.

Prayer is a type of confession. An effective means of washing out all impurities, strains, stresses, disabilities and mental diseases. The pious thoughts and divine thinking that is created during the course of prayer spreads a spiritual force within and around the person. As a result the whole environment is filled with pious thoughts, peace and love. Such pious thoughts, daily, become the innermost recesses of man’s heart. He enlivens this belief and makes it constructive in the practical course of life.

Prayer leads to systematic development of will power, self-confidence, mental capabilities, psychic powers and creates a sound spiritual foundation. It purifies the heart, cultivates the conscience and comforts the soul. Prayer is a guide to the most upright way of life. A safeguard against indecency and evil, against deviation and stray. Prayer helps to develop a fully organized thought system, concentration of mind, sharpening of intellect and imports astonishing developments in the decisive faculties that together helps to deal with the complex situation rightly.

Tennyson, an English poet, said, “Human life without prayer is an empty vessel and unconscious like animal. ”




RELAX ! The Why and How??

What do you do to relax after some tiring work? Have a strong cup of coffee or tea or puff a cigarette, but these can be harmful to your health and you can get addicted to them. They can also decrease your energy and reduce your performance level, if taken consistently. If you watch the idiot box or read something to relax, then you are not relaxing but straining your eyes and draining your left energy.

No matter how relaxing a work is, still it does involve a certain amount of stress. You can get headache or pain in the neck. You may feel exhausted and find it hard to concentrate on anything further. In such a state if you are asked to do some other work then you may not do it or do it without much care or interest.

Here are some tips that will surely leave you fresh and active for any amount of work throughout the day.

A 10 to 15 minutes walk on the open grounds with greenery will freshen you. A walk will loosen and relax your tired muscles. Do not think about anything while walking. This will leave you fresh and fit for your next work.

This can work wonders. Find a place where you wont be distracted. Make sure there are no blaring sounds coming from surroundings. Sit in a pose most convenient to you, on a chair, floor or sofa with stretched or crossed legs. Whatever pose you select you should be able to remain still. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and concentrate on your breathing. You can also chant the name of your lord in your mind. Empty your mind of all thoughts. In 10 minutes, you will feel relaxed.

Music is the food of the soul. Soft, melodious or light instrumental music can help to soothe and relax the brain’s nerves. It will also remove your tensions. You can listen to music according to your mood. Try to avoid loud pop or rock music unless you find it relaxing.

You can talk or chat with someone whom you like. Let the topic be lively. In case you have some problem then you can discuss it with a person in whom you confide. This will make you feel lighter. In case you have no one to talk to about your problem then just shut the door and windows of your room and shout at the top of your voice. Psychology confirms this will help to relieve your emotions.

Drink lime juice with honey or warm milk with honey instead of tea or coffee. Honey helps to increase energy and stamina and is good for health. Avoid eating heavy food as this can make you feel lazy and sleepy.

Do some easy exercises like roll your head first from right to left and then all the way round for three times taking long breaths in between. A feeling of peace will gradually replace the strain. You can massage your whole body. Starting with your hair and forehead in circular motion, this will help to cure your headache. Then massage your ears, neck, hands and legs, which will help to remove pain from your body.

Constant reading or working in front of a computer can strain your eyes. The eyes can become dim and jumpy. Lay down in a relaxed way, close your eyes, place hot water compresses or chilled cucumber slices over your tired eyes for a few minutes. This will help to relax the nerves and muscles of the eyes. You can take warm (not hot) water bath or take a cold shower to refresh.

Do not consider yourself tired and sick but cultivate a positive attitude. If you constantly think that you are sick, exhausted and tired, no amount of moral boosters will work on your fatigued mind. Proper sleep, healthy food and regular exercises will keep you going smoothly throughout the day.


Hey friends, just imagine that you are giving a speech or taking to someone or just discussing about something. Amidst all these the other person is just giving you a dumb look or opposing to whatever you say or dominating you with a louder voice or just not listening to you. How will you feel at that moment of time? Surely you will feel miserable and be confused whether to continue or not. So, it is as much important to be a good listener as it is to be a good speaker. Anything said does not yield any result or it is not fruitful unless one listens to it properly.

But then neither the art of listening is taught in school nor do you inherit it from your parents, instead you have to cultivate it. So, here I am with five golden rules that will make you a good listener.

Listen exercising your whole body. Speaking dialogues is not enough, you need to show the same through actions in the same way. To substantiate if anything sounds funny express it through your facial expression or if you agree to something mere nod will do. If you don’t understand raise your eyebrows and shoulders which are important while listening. Maintain eye contact and honestly express what you feel.

Speak in between only if it is necessary, just as a driver uses breaks and horn for a perfect driving. Yu can say ‘yes’, ‘OK’, ‘ya’, ‘beg your pardon’ or ‘please repeat’, ‘can you be a bit louder’, etc.

Repeat your message just as replays are shown during cricket matches. If you fail to understand the meaning properly, then you can request the speaker to go back and repeat everything in detail. In case you do not agree to something express it in cool manner.

Understand the message, not merely words. If your friend suddenly invites you for a dinner, understand the message behind it. Whether he really wants to meet you or needs some kind of favour or something else. This rule helps you to understand what is unsaid or said indirectly. Facial expressions, eye contact, touch and body language will help you understand this rule. But then don’t jump to conclusions.

If you are listening to a speech then make a summary of all the important points in your mind and think about it.
So, next time don’t blame your ears that you did not listen, blame yourself.


A Key to Good Health

Once a farmer asked Thoreau, U.S. naturalist and writer, “I hear you don’t eat meat, where do you get your strength?” Pointing to the husky team of horses he said, “ Where do they get their strength?”

Vegetarianism has been a way of life for many people for centuries. There is no need for humans to eat any animal product. An adult male requires 44-56 grams and an adult female requires 44-48 grams of protein daily. A pure vegetarian diet provides 83 grams of protein to men and 61 grams of protein to female according to a Harvard research. Amino acids necessary for growth and maintenance can be obtained from dairy products or by taking a combination of two plant foods. Plants are far richer in vitamins and minerals compared to meat and fish.

Human teeth and intestine are designed for eating and digesting plant foods so it is no wonder that major health problems can be traced to meat consumption. World Health Statistics consistently show short life expectancies among heavy flesh eating people like the Eskimos, Laplander, Greenlanders and Russian Kurgis tribes.

Cancer is often correlated in scientific studies with a high meat diet. Many researchers consider meat with its high content of cholesterol as the leading cause of heart attack. The uric acid deposits in the muscle fibers of meat, in addition to the body’s own daily production of uric acid is too much for one’s kidneys and liver to eliminate causing rheumatism, headache, epilepsy, hardening of arteries and nervousness. Vegetarians demonstrate far greater endurance, stamina and quickness of recovery from fatigue than meat eaters.

Non-vegetarians take a greater amount of residual agriculture, chemicals, industrial pollutants, antibiotics and hormones than vegetarians. According to The Meat Handbook, seventy known animal diseases can be transmitted to man through non-vegetarian food.

Vegetarian helps to prevent world hunger and waste of natural resources. An acre of land used for cereals can provide five times and used for legumes can provide ten times more protein than used for meat production. Therefore, the meat of rich consumes the bread of poor. According to Dr. Aaron Altschul, a vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water each day for one person as compared to 2500 gallons of water required for a non-vegetarian diet.

Many great people like Annie Besant, Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Pope, George Bernard Shaw, Leo Tolstoy etc. have been vegetarians.

Animals are living creatures with feelings and capable of suffering. The more helpless a creature, the more it is entitled to protection by man. The production of non- vegetarian food causes pain, suffering and ultimate death of animals from whom they are taken. So, we are morally bound to give up non-vegetarian diet.

20 July 2004


Have you ever heard a donkey being asked to behave like a donkey? But humans are often requested to behave like humans. The reason being man is the most superior creation of God. He has got the quality of human nature and animals the quality of brute. So, man’s life needs to posses a meaning beyond self-preservation. Values are foundation of a meaningful life.

Values may differ from person to person due to differences in culture, religion, experience and family. But the base of each value should be goodness. Values donot teach how to be happy but how to make oneself worthy of happiness. They make a person understand his limitations and the great heights to which he can rise. Man is responsible for his own deeds, so it is necessary to keep a check on one’s actions. Values help us to do so.

Just as coal gets transformed under tremendous pressure into diamond and the new name is accepted everywhere, similarly human values render the lives and hearts of people pure and sacred. Life doesn’t get meaningful just by making resolutions or by addressing values on some sacred occasion, but these values have to be lived throughout our lives. Man must not move from his values even if there is a treat of danger or loss.

The problems the world is facing today are not because there is a lack of intellectual capacity but because there is a lack of values. A minimum standard of moral conduct should be obvious to everyone.

Edwin Markhani said, ‘We are blind until we see that in the human plan, nothing is worth the making if it does not make the man. Why build these cities glorious, if man unbuilded goes? In vain we build the world, unless the builder also grows.’