Jyoti's Articles

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21 July 2004

RELAX ! The Why and How??

What do you do to relax after some tiring work? Have a strong cup of coffee or tea or puff a cigarette, but these can be harmful to your health and you can get addicted to them. They can also decrease your energy and reduce your performance level, if taken consistently. If you watch the idiot box or read something to relax, then you are not relaxing but straining your eyes and draining your left energy.

No matter how relaxing a work is, still it does involve a certain amount of stress. You can get headache or pain in the neck. You may feel exhausted and find it hard to concentrate on anything further. In such a state if you are asked to do some other work then you may not do it or do it without much care or interest.

Here are some tips that will surely leave you fresh and active for any amount of work throughout the day.

A 10 to 15 minutes walk on the open grounds with greenery will freshen you. A walk will loosen and relax your tired muscles. Do not think about anything while walking. This will leave you fresh and fit for your next work.

This can work wonders. Find a place where you wont be distracted. Make sure there are no blaring sounds coming from surroundings. Sit in a pose most convenient to you, on a chair, floor or sofa with stretched or crossed legs. Whatever pose you select you should be able to remain still. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and concentrate on your breathing. You can also chant the name of your lord in your mind. Empty your mind of all thoughts. In 10 minutes, you will feel relaxed.

Music is the food of the soul. Soft, melodious or light instrumental music can help to soothe and relax the brain’s nerves. It will also remove your tensions. You can listen to music according to your mood. Try to avoid loud pop or rock music unless you find it relaxing.

You can talk or chat with someone whom you like. Let the topic be lively. In case you have some problem then you can discuss it with a person in whom you confide. This will make you feel lighter. In case you have no one to talk to about your problem then just shut the door and windows of your room and shout at the top of your voice. Psychology confirms this will help to relieve your emotions.

Drink lime juice with honey or warm milk with honey instead of tea or coffee. Honey helps to increase energy and stamina and is good for health. Avoid eating heavy food as this can make you feel lazy and sleepy.

Do some easy exercises like roll your head first from right to left and then all the way round for three times taking long breaths in between. A feeling of peace will gradually replace the strain. You can massage your whole body. Starting with your hair and forehead in circular motion, this will help to cure your headache. Then massage your ears, neck, hands and legs, which will help to remove pain from your body.

Constant reading or working in front of a computer can strain your eyes. The eyes can become dim and jumpy. Lay down in a relaxed way, close your eyes, place hot water compresses or chilled cucumber slices over your tired eyes for a few minutes. This will help to relax the nerves and muscles of the eyes. You can take warm (not hot) water bath or take a cold shower to refresh.

Do not consider yourself tired and sick but cultivate a positive attitude. If you constantly think that you are sick, exhausted and tired, no amount of moral boosters will work on your fatigued mind. Proper sleep, healthy food and regular exercises will keep you going smoothly throughout the day.


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